Upgrade Your English

Upgrade Your English
Novo Livro para o 1o. ano do Ensino Médio


ECO-92 A Girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

This  Girl who silenced the world during Eco-92 in Rio de Janeiro about 20 years ago. 
Let's listen to all her amazed words 
Keep it in your mind!

Heart of Brazil: People of the Xingu


Past Perfect x Simple past

Hi,y 'all.
O ponto gramatical deste mes será sobre Past Perfect e Simple Past.
Vejamos algumas explicações:

Quando temos duas ações no passado, uma acontecendo depois da outra, usamos o Past Perfect na primeira ação. Alguns exemplos:

The thieves ran away. Then the police arrived. (Os ladrões fugiram. Depois a policia chegou.
The thieves had run away when the police arrived. (Os ladrões tinham fugido quando a policia chegou.)

 The store closed. Then I got there. (A loja fechou. Então eu cheguei lá.)
  The store had closed when I got there. (A loja tinha fechado quando eu cheguei lá.)
  Bom, agora que entendemos melhor este assunto, vamos `a pratica????

A atividade:
1. title:                          Guess what happened next 
Uma sentenca sera apresentada e voce tera que completa-la utilizando o simple  Past simples ou o past perfect. Use o powerpoint.

Ex. The thieves had run away when....
     (0s ladrões haviam fugido quando.....

a segunda sentenca tera que ser apresentada com uma imagem que descreva a ideia da frase apresentada.

Ex:... the policeman arrived. (....o policial chegou.)

, guys, now it is time to work.
Enjoy it!!!
The sentences are:
1. Yesterday night when I got home ....
2.Because I had lost my wallet...
3.They had never seen a bear before they....
4. Last week I was so tired because...
5. The kids had already slept when...
6.After the family had had breakfast, they...
7.My best friend had not let us enter in his bedroom because...
8. The telephone had already been invented when...
9.As I had already seen "Twilight" I did not...
10. When I left home...



Hi, Y'all!!! Today we will make a jorney along the generations... Vamos abrir o bau do passado???
Through it we can learn so many things about the days ew are living in....Do you agree with me?
So, let's go....travel along the generations...
Take a look to all these videos

Now, guys, time to work... (use Powerpoint or Word)
1. title : GENERATIONS
From  20's decade to 90's
Make a research about these decades

What made these Ages Unforgettable  

an important event or historic fact:
a great invention:
a celebrity:
a fashion wear:
a song/singer or band:

Stem Cell Basics: Educational cartoon for young learners


Teen Depression...More than SAD

How do  you feel?
Depression is a medical illness and is treatable - don't be afraid to ask for help!

Learning Relative Pronouns

Guys, this project was made by a group of students.
Take a look...it's so funny !!!

Learning Relative Pronouns

Guys, this video can be very helpful for you to reinforce our learning of Relative Pronouns.
Enjoy it!!!


Talking to the Moon -

Hey, Everyone!!
Let's enjoy this song! Of course, learning some verbs and vocabulary...
I hope you like it!
Don't forget ! leave a comment. I'll love it!


1o. ano- Exercicios Extras/ Review

Estou postando um link para revisão e fixação da matéria.(Present progressive or Present continuous and simple present)

 O site é bem legal!!! Tem uma série de exercicios sobre vários assuntos..que podem te ajudar bastante!
Acessem e divirtam-se com as atividades.

Ah,estou postando também vàrios exercicios de revisão!!

Review Activity Simple Present/ Present Continuous

A – Check the appropriate questions.

1. Jimmy rarely reads a book.
a) When does Jimmy read books?
b) What does he read?

2. Yes, I do. I use the computer every day.
a) What do you do everyday?
b) Do you use the computer every day?

3. We go to school in the morning.
a) Where do you go in the morning?
b) Do you go to school in the morning?

4. Denise works at the hospital.
a) When does she work at the hospital?
b) Where does she work?

5) No, he doesn´t. He doesn´t have coffee in the morning.
a) Does he have coffee in the morning?
b) When does he have coffee?

6) I live in Italy.
a) Where do you live?
b) Do you live in Italy?

2.Use the verbs in parentheses in the present continuous tense.

I_____________(think) about my life.

From the top of the bill I can see the village in the valley: The houses, the streets,the school, everything.

The children______________________(play) in the school yard.

Mr. Cardner___________(to talk) to a friend. Some ladies__________(walk) to the

church. Some people___________(run) around the lake. The Taylors_________(open) their store now 

and Mrs.Swanson____________certainly______________(buy) bread for breakfast.

It is 8:00 now and the sun____________(shine) brightly.

I am here on the top of the hill.

3.Complete com  o simple present ou  present continuous dos verbos entre parenteses.

1. This pigment____________(reduce) the risk of cancer.

2. They______________(go) to school by bus today.

3. Marian never________(eat) fish.

4.The kids___________(wash) their hands now.

5. Alice________(read) the newspaper every morning.

6. Look, Sylvia_______(cut) bread for the children.


2o. ano- careers of the future


3o. Ano- Conditionals

this video can be helpful for you to understand the \Conditionals in English...

This review activity must be sent to my e-mail
Try this link and answer the questions:


9o. ano - Sadako Sasaki

This video presents life and death of a very special japanese girl.
Her name... SADAKO SASAKI...

9o. ano - Sadako Sasaki and the thousand paper cranes

Hi Guys,
We read about Sadako Sasaki and her story about the thousand paper cranes.
So, let's make a "Tsuru"?
Learn it through this video and offer your bird to a special person for you.


1o. Ano -Global Warming

Upgrade your English- Unit 2
The Earth - We still care!

Guys, let's take a look at this video!
We really need to know about what is happening to our planet.

We still care...The Earth is our big house....


3o. Ano- Phrasal Verbs

Verbos preposicionados - Exercise
Elaborar uma sentença com cada um dos verbos preposicionados:

Agree with( someone)
Agree to (something)

Argue about ( something)
Argue with( someone)

Complain about( something)
Complain to (someone)

Rely on
Stare at


1o. Ano - Review Exercises /Simple Present

Postei alguns exercicios de fixaçao ( Simple Present)
Principalmente para a 1002.
Tentem o link abaixo:


15. speaks/ 16.cook/ 17. takes/ 18. travel/ 19.go/ 20.mean


9o. ano - Future Tense - WILL & GOING TO

9o. Ano- Future Tenses
Dá uma olhadinha no video acima sobre Future Tenses.
Vai te ajudar bastante a entender esse topico de gramatica, alem de ser um otimo exercicio de Listening...
Aposto que voce vai gostar...
See you next week


UPGRADE your English - Unit 1 Simple Present

A little help to learn Simple Present and some verbs..
Take a look..the song is so cool!!
try this link

Poem and Dreams Turmas 901 /902

Vejam que lindos poemas foram escritos em inglês por nossos colegas das turmas 901 e 902...
ficaram ... maravilhosos!!! Great!! Awesome!!!
Ah..deixem seus comentários(de preferência em inglês) mas se ficar muito dificil..tudo bem se for em português...afinal...o que mais queremos é saber sua opinião. Nao deixem de postar um comentário..nossas " celebrities", Matheus e Mylena vão adorar...
Ah, e quem sabe seu texto também não vai estar aqui...heim??
Bom, soltem a imaginação e deixem o coração falar..
Give wings to fantasy....
I see you guys next week
By Matheus Silva (901)

I can´t remember what you said
Because I couldn´t look at you the other day
My heart is coming to die
When I look at you I´m in paradise
I love your way but I can´t say
You are forever mine
And I’ll repeat it in my paradise.

Poem written
by Mylena Caixeiro (902)

You made me laugh when I cried so hard

You gave me bracelets to cover my scars
You held me close when I was so cold

You offered a comforting hand to hold

You picked me up whenever I fall
You showed me sky when I was blinded by hell
You answered my call in the dark night
You gave me reasons to hold on and fight

You rescued me when I was drawning in pain
You placed me back on the right path again
You loved me forever and stayed by my side
You entered in my heart as an angel to guide

You may not be with me anymore
but I know you'll leave an open beckoning door
I miss you so much and I'll fight 'till the end
I love you so much ... my best friend


Teens - Upgrade Lesson1

Hey, Guys
Adolescence is not easy....So many things happening around ....
All changes...
Let's talk about it  for a while?
First, let's watch this movie...it is so cool!!
Then, we will have a time for discussions...open up your heart ....
I want to listen to you....

Now, time to work out...
1. Create a video or powerpoint presentation
2. the theme is: WHO AM I ?
3. Explore the given vocabulary in your book
4. Look up the dictionary new words
5.Make sentences in English that best describe who you are
6. Use pictures, photos..things that reveal  who you are.
7. Make a beautiful poem
Think about yourself
Likes and dislikes
Hormones, Timing and Changesplans for future

Data de entrega: 15/03/2011(1002)  /  04/03/2011 (1001/1003)          
Trabalho Individual
Valor: 20 pontos


Pessoal, em nossa lista de vocabulary( link acima ) as palavras estão divididas por categorias e grifadas, por exemplo, ANGRY e a seguir várias palavras com o mesmo sentido que ANGRY..
Sua tarefa é selecionar na lista  mais 2 sinônimos ( e tradução -português) para as  seguintes palavras :
Ex: ANGRY= Furious, mad
     Raiva= Furioso, louco

Selecione algumas das palavras que " best describe you" .... ( use more than 3 adjectives or nouns)
Sometimes I am so....         because...
I  am often ....                   because ...
I  don't like....                    because....
Ok, guys...done???
Bring the activities to our next class....
(pode ser em folha de caderno ou pode ser impresso)
See you.... kisses