Upgrade Your English

Upgrade Your English
Novo Livro para o 1o. ano do Ensino Médio


Past Perfect x Simple past

Hi,y 'all.
O ponto gramatical deste mes será sobre Past Perfect e Simple Past.
Vejamos algumas explicações:

Quando temos duas ações no passado, uma acontecendo depois da outra, usamos o Past Perfect na primeira ação. Alguns exemplos:

The thieves ran away. Then the police arrived. (Os ladrões fugiram. Depois a policia chegou.
The thieves had run away when the police arrived. (Os ladrões tinham fugido quando a policia chegou.)

 The store closed. Then I got there. (A loja fechou. Então eu cheguei lá.)
  The store had closed when I got there. (A loja tinha fechado quando eu cheguei lá.)
  Bom, agora que entendemos melhor este assunto, vamos `a pratica????

A atividade:
1. title:                          Guess what happened next 
Uma sentenca sera apresentada e voce tera que completa-la utilizando o simple  Past simples ou o past perfect. Use o powerpoint.

Ex. The thieves had run away when....
     (0s ladrões haviam fugido quando.....

a segunda sentenca tera que ser apresentada com uma imagem que descreva a ideia da frase apresentada.

Ex:... the policeman arrived. (....o policial chegou.)

, guys, now it is time to work.
Enjoy it!!!
The sentences are:
1. Yesterday night when I got home ....
2.Because I had lost my wallet...
3.They had never seen a bear before they....
4. Last week I was so tired because...
5. The kids had already slept when...
6.After the family had had breakfast, they...
7.My best friend had not let us enter in his bedroom because...
8. The telephone had already been invented when...
9.As I had already seen "Twilight" I did not...
10. When I left home...



Hi, Y'all!!! Today we will make a jorney along the generations... Vamos abrir o bau do passado???
Through it we can learn so many things about the days ew are living in....Do you agree with me?
So, let's go....travel along the generations...
Take a look to all these videos

Now, guys, time to work... (use Powerpoint or Word)
1. title : GENERATIONS
From  20's decade to 90's
Make a research about these decades

What made these Ages Unforgettable  

an important event or historic fact:
a great invention:
a celebrity:
a fashion wear:
a song/singer or band:

Stem Cell Basics: Educational cartoon for young learners